Saturday, September 25, 2010

Instuba- the Tiger man

First set of illustrations.

Kahoryao lent me his tablet and with the help of that...coloring on photoshop was an easier task. These are my first experiments. Many changes still to be made. The scan were not very good so the outlines cannot be seen.

Instuba telling his sons to wait outside enemy gate

Instubah as the tiger with an enemy he killed.

Instuba and his two sons rejoicing - while enemies chase them.

When the enemies reach the river they only see a tiger and two boys.
(Coloring half done.)


  1. i really really like your textures! honestly. you must be my favourite naga artist by now. haha. seriously too. you've made up for lack of detail and inricate drawing by interesting natural and earthy texture that makes it look very 'traditional' and naga-ish and all that. good job man.

  2. i really like the one with the tiger and also the one where there is marching across the hills. awesome.
